Monday, October 12, 2009

Fever gone?

Kylie woke this morning with NO fever and we're hoping that trend continues through out the day. She's still coughing like a North Carolina coal worker, but feels better with no fever. Kaice is still coughing too, but her cough is more of an allergy/drainage type cough. They are different... funny how being a mom you become an expert on things like that. I can always tell when Kylie is sick or getting sick - her eyes turn from bright blue to grey. Kacie is different. She goes from well to very sick in a half hour with no notice.

Just got back from Kacie's school after having our first parent/teacher conference. I'm tickled that she's doing well and her teacher reported that she didn't have any real concerns with Kacie. Math is her strong subject, and I'm thankful the takes after her daddy in that area.

Hoping Kylie stays fever free today and that she can go to school tomorrow. I sure don't want her to get behind on schoolwork. That is almost worse than being sick!

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