Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Flu season comes early...

Seven kids are absent in Kacie's class today and rumors are flying at the number of kids being sent home each day with the flu. Yesterday morning Kyle and I both got our flu shots and I got an allergy shot as well. The ragweed is killing me this fall. After school I took Kacie by our pediatrician's office for her flu shot... she was elated to discover that this year she could do a nasal spray instead of a shot. She thought that was "way cool."

On our way to school this morning I was telling Kylie that she'd get her flu shot today after school... she said, "mom, you mean spray, I'm getting the spray..." I teased her telling her that our insurance paid for the shot, but the spray cost me $8.91 yesterday with Kacie, and I'd spent all our money, so she'd have to get the shot. I kept teasing her, asking how much money she had in her piggy bank, etc., if she wanted the spray... she only half believed my kidding. I finally told her I was teasing, but that "life wasn't fair" because their poor ole' momma had to get TWO shots yesterday...

Kacie's response was priceless.

"Mom, life isn't fair. The sooner you learn that, the better off you'll be."

Mom's words come back to haunt her....

Keep the faith....
... until next time...

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