Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kacie & Raider

I've been terrible about posting here, but I have to get this one down so I don't ever forget it... Last week we took Raider, our Boxer puppy to be neutered. As we're driving to town that morning, Kacie was very concerned about her precious puppy and was wanting to know exactly why we were having him "fixed." I explained things as best I could. About 45 minutes after drop off I get this email from Kacie's 1st grade teacher.....

You know------I live on the edge when Kacie wants to make public class announcements………. But I felt brave this a.m……..
She stands up and announces this a.m.--------

Well, Mrs. Priddy, today my dog is having his hoo-haws (is that how you spell that?) taken off so that he won’t get married and have puppies. Cuz it sure would be a pain if he decided to get married and have puppies and then we would have THAT to deal with………..

Thank you, Kacie, for that public announcement……….
I knew you needed a giggle today…..
Laura Ann

And, no, Raider sporting a tu tu had nothing to do with getting neutered... he's just willing to go along with whatever Cinderella wants to do.

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